Cutting Edge Plumbing Products

Cutting Edge Plumbing Products That Can Make Your Life Easier And Your Business More Profitable

One of the newest and most interesting developments in home and living technologies is the rapidly growing market for “Smart Home” products. Just like smart phones have created a market for all-in-one digital solutions for common problems in a single device, there are numerous products on the market that can save you time and money by automating various parts of your plumbing at home.

On Demand Water Heaters

One of the simplest and most efficient ways to save money is to avoid heating more water than you need or keeping it hot when you do not need it. In homes and businesses that use hot water only occasionally and not always at the same hours or flow rates, such a heater is a great asset.

Unlike traditional heaters storing water into a tank and keeping it hot all the time or as long as they are plugged in or turned on, on demand devices only heat the water the moment you turn the faucet on.

Although their flow rate may be limited, you do not risk running out of hot water, because there is no tank limit to worry about – as long as the device is on and the water is flowing, it will heat it up.

Electricity is only consumed for as long as you are using the hot water, and the latest models are really efficient, so they will bring significant savings. You also need very little space for an instant or on demand water heater, since there is no huge tank to worry about.

Just make sure you discuss your options with your plumber and you choose a device with a sufficient water flow rate to meet your needs.

Timed Faucets

Anyone who has accidentally left a faucet running knows that it can be an expensive mistake to make – this is especially true in the case of hot water, since you also run the heating bill at the a same time. Timed faucets come in a variety of forms, including digital and mechanical options that will shut off running water from individual appliances after use.

These devices can be timed according to your preferences – for instance, a bathroom faucet rarely needs to run for more than a minute, while a shower or washing machine should be left to run for at least thirty. Smart devices can detect the difference and leave the shower running while turning off the faucet when it is not in use.

Auto-Flush Toilets

These handy devices are widely visible in many public restrooms in malls and restaurants because they help ensure a hygienic environment. Auto-flushing toilets carry the following benefits:

  • Hands-Free Use
  • Increased Cleanliness In The Restroom
  • Lower Risk Of Blockage/Clogging
  • No Unpleasant Cleanup Duties
  • Increased Water Efficiency

These are just a few of the most common and valuable automatic plumbing systems that home and business owners can enjoy today. A huge number of new products designed to make your life easier are being released every year. Ask your plumber about cutting edge plumbing products that can help you maximize your water use efficiency and start saving today!